
dr kamal kv

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I have been helping students preparing for Foreign Medical Graduates Examination/ Screening examination/ NExT, through my books, my (charity) coaching classes and my mobile App, that too singly, since 2011.

My first book

In the year 2009, I started working on my popular book SELF ASSESSMENT & REVIEW OF FMGE/ MCI SCREENING EXAM. After working for nearly 18 months, the first edition of this book was released on 18.01.2011. And by God grace & students support, it was a great hit.

How I started my classes

After the release of my book in 2011, students were impressed, and they continuously forced me to start coaching classes. But since I do not want to make it a money affair, I took my time. I don't want to involve any other faculty in my classes so that fees can be kept to a minimum possible. Also, I do not like anyone to interfere in my style of working. After taking a long time, I launched my classes on 07.12.2011.

Schedule: 12.01.2025 FMGE

My mobile App

To download my mobile app, click onto the following link:

FREE CoURSES on my mobile App

  • You-Tube PDF's: 
    • Annotated PDF's of my You-Tube live sessions/ Classroom lectures. 

Big thanks

I would like to thank all my dear students, who have supported all my efforts blindly. I am also thankful to thousands of people whom I have never seen, but who have wished for my success & well-being.


There is a lot of curiosity regarding NExT (National Exit Test). Many people are sharing valuable knowledge regarding NExT, but that is in general. I mean, it's for all, Indian Medical Graduates (IMG) & Foreign Medical Graduates (FMG). In my discussion, I will be highlighting how NExT is going to affect FMGs. 

As per the NMC Act 2019, NExT was supposed to be implemented from 2022, but because of Covid-19, there has been a delay of 1 year and now NExT is proposed to be implemented in 2023. 

Currently FMGs need to appear in FMGE/ Screening examination for FMGs, so as to start internship or to get registration in State Medical Council/ SMC & license to practice in India.

NExT intends to replace FMGE/ Screening examination for FMGs. 

After coming back to India, FMGs has to appear in NExT-1, which is going to be an Online-MCQ based exam, conducted by some national testing agency (like NBE). The proposed curriculum, exam pattern & time duration is summarized in the table below (best viewed in landscape mode): 





No. of Qs



Medicine, Dermatology & Psychiatry

3 hours





1.5 hours




Surgery, Orthopedics & Anesthesia

3 hours





1.5 hours




Obstetrics, Gynecology & Radiology

3 hours





1.5 hours





13.5 hours



Pattern of NExT-1: NExT-1 intends to check your theoretical concepts learnt during MBBS. Content of paper: 

  • Problem solving questions: 60%;
  • Comprehension & analysis: 30% 
  • Recall: 10%. 

Out of 540 MCQs, 10% MCQs would be from PSM & 10% MCQs would be from Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology & Microbiology (No Forensic Medicine, it seems).

FMGs need to clear NExT-1 first following which they would be eligible to do internship. If an FMG does not clear NExT-1, he/ she cannot start internship. Also, if their score is good, they can join PG course as well, after clearing NExT-2.

After completing internship, FMGs are supposed to clear NExT-2 as well to get license to practice/ join PG-seat. This would be conducted in the medical college, from where one has completed his/ her internship. 

Pattern of NExT-2: It is supposed to be a practical exam, which might include clinical case presentations & viva voce. NExT-2 intends to check your clinical knowledge learnt during internship. 

Until & unless, one clears NExT-2, he/ she would not be able to get license or PG seat, no matter he/ she has qualified NExT-1. Students can re-appear in both NExT-1 & NExT-2 (any number of times), but those who had qualified NExT-1, need to clear NExT-2 within 3 years, otherwise their result of NExT-1 would become null and then they had to appear in NExT-1 again.

Result of NExT-1: 

  • Pass: Further step depends on validity of your internship done from your college of MBBS
    • Un-valid internship: Proceed for internship from India and then appear in NExt-2
    • Valid internship (Nepal, Bangladesh etc.): Further step, depends on your PG rank:
      • Good rank: Pick a PG seat and start working as PG-resident
      • Bad rank/ No rank: Prepare for next year's NExT-1 exam/ start working as JR in some hospital (your choice)
    • Fail: Better luck next time for NExT-1

Result of NExT-2:

  • Pass:
    • Register in State Medical Council & start practice/ job
    • If score in NExT-1 was good & you were in merit, join PG course
  • Fail: Re-appear in NExT-2

FMGs would be the ones who would benefit the most from the implementation of NExT. This exam will eliminate any scope of partiality between IMGs & FMGs. Moreover, if someone scores good in NExT-1, not only he/ she will qualify for internship, but also, he/ she can opt for a good PG seat later on (depending on merit rank). So double benefit with one exam (which is not the case with current FMGE/ Screening examination)

Exact details are awaited. To clear doubts of students regarding NExT, a mock run of the NExT would be conducted in 2022, so that students can prepare well in the next one year for 2023 NExT-1.

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WhatsApp & Mobile: +91 8470004333

Facebook page/ You-tube/ Twitter/ Instagram/ Telegram: drkamalkvgroup 

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My first book

Some of my popular books

How I started my classes

Schedule: 12.01.205 FMGE

My mobile App

Content on my mobile App

Big thanks 

My foreign trips


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